Before I get into the new addition news, let me just say that Colleen and I have a lot to be thankful for. Clearly we do some whining on the blog, but it would be a little boring if every blog entry was 'Things are Great!' We really are blessed just to be able to do a project like this and it has been a great adventure. Moreover, we are truly blessed because we have such great friends and family to support us (some of whom are literally helping us out right now). Okay, enough sappy stuff, let's get to the news!
At last update we were priming the kitchen in prep for painting. We got that all done (except the ceiling) and it looks very nice. It's a good thing we got it done too, because Tuesday was a very counter productive day. Usually that's a bad thing, but not this time. A small army of guys showed up to install our counters on Tuesday. Because we got Corian, the largest section was all one piece (a big selling point for us since it means no seams for water and germs to collect). I was at work, but Colleen got a great shot of the counter when it was still vertical.

We've spent much of the last two evenings shelf papering and putting dishes in our new cabinets. It's extremely satisfying to finally be reversing the flow of stuff by taking it out of storage and putting it into the kitchen. We are doing lots more painting over the holiday weekend and quite a few things are slated for next week. We should get our appliances and sink faucets installed. I'm hopeful the thermostat will finally be installed so we can get some heat in the addition. Also, our tile is due to be 'produced' on Monday so it might arrive before the end of next week.
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